Venice Biennale
20th April – 24th November 2024
Embodied Consciousness
Emily Young free-carves stone, small pieces of the planet; for over 35 years she has sought and found the stones she works with in abandoned quarries, in stone yards, in wild places. Her imagination and curiosity are triggered by the stones themselves. Some of the stones are over 3 billion years old, some just a few million. Some of these stones are amongst the hardest stones to work, quartz, for instance, and some are the softest, alabaster.
She has said that her teachers were the ancient stone carvers of the past, across the globe, across the millennia, whose physical engagement with the stone was able to carry through to future generations their age old and profound connection to the planet.
She says: “I work with pieces of stone that speak to me in some way – they may have evocative forms and colours in their natural historical/geological structures, or on their surfaces”. She says: “Once having found the pieces, I am guided by the stone. I call it a marriage made in heaven, as the conversation is between something as short lived and organic as a human, and the deep time principles of aeons; as in, the billions of years that we understand the cosmos to be. I put into them something of my own mind, seeing in them the ancient story of the creation of our planet, the creation of our solar system, our galaxy and beyond.”
She has described how: “hyper-industrialisation has encouraged us humans of the developed world to profoundly misread the planet we live on, and our relationship to it – which is one of complete dependence, there is not one iota of separation. As in pareidolia, we assumed there was in nature something that looked like a more or less infinite abundance: we have seen the planet as a resource for our requirements, a service provider, to be used and abused. Whereas in fact it is the great creator of every part of our being – and thereby deserving of our uttermost respect.”
She describes how these sculptures call to our inner knowledge of who we might potentially be. In their showing of a quietness, of a kind of beauty and stillness carried in the stone, she acknowledges that we are all of us the sorrowful children of a magical planet, which gives us life and meaning. The pieces speak to a passionate and profound gratitude for the gift of life, and call to a profound compassion for all our fellow creatures.”
These pieces could endure for millions of years. Emily Young is aware of our planet’s potential future, where the Earth, already 4.7 billion years old, will be completely devoid of life in one billion years. This will happen when the sun, our star, which already has started to die, irradiates our solar system in his burning death throes.
Emily Young’s work is timeless, poetic, serious.
“Thoughts are carved in stone.”
Lost Mountain Head I
Since I started working with stone, over forty years ago (wild stone as compared with quarried, six sided blocks) the pieces have increasingly become translators of human
consciousness: the two entities, raw matter and human consciousness form a marriage that speaks potently of the drama of human frailty. We have disowned our Earth Mother, and the deep physical history that gave us our lives. I carved the Lost Mountain Head piece (from some two tons of complex stone from the local mountain) some ten years ago to protest the spreading destruction of said mountain, Monte Amiata in Southern Tuscany, by way of geo-thermal projects. I like to show our profound connection to the Earth, by leaving untouched the natural signs of the life of the ancient stone, and at the same moment showing the human compassion we can have, in the sight of our better natures, as opposed to our interior fools.
Emily Young, Santa Croce, 2024.
Works Exhibited

‘Lost Mountain Head I’ 2023
Dimensions: 102 x 56 x 101 cm
Pyroclastic Rock
Age: c.300,000 years
Geology notes:
Pyroclastic stone is created during volcanic eruptions, when a fluid mass of turbulent boiling gas and rock fragments are forced out of the volcanos heart, burning through whatever is in its way.
The powerful force of the burning gas bursts through previous stone formations, leaving behind the varied signs of its extreme passage through stone – we see the pits and voids left by the stone melting process, which over thousands and millions of years afterwards will settle in to new formations. Time makes its mark, the geology of the area evolving into a wide variety of possible outcomes, including flows of mineral-carrying water through the mass of material, sedimentation of various types of minerals, changes in weather systems and local conditions. Also new volcanic eruptions.
Source: Italy
Venice location:
Giardini della Marinaressa
Riva dei Sette Martiri 30122 Venezia VE

‘Sun King’s Daughter’ 2023
Dimensions: 55 x 36 x 17 cm
Brecciated Yellow Siena Marble (Giallo di Siena)
Age: 200-195 Million years
Geology notes:
High pressure and temperatures related to the formation of the Apennines mountain chain, transformed an original sedimentary calcite/carbonate rock into marble. Fracturing in the rock, once exposed, allowed the formation of new calcite which filled the cracks. A presence of tiny amounts of iron oxide in
between the calcite crystals gives the colouring.
Source: Italy
Venice location:
European Cultural Centre, Room 214, Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE

‘Solar Disc (Fall) I’ 2023
Diameter 80cm
Onyx (calcite)
Age: during the last 2.6 million years
Geology notes:
The crystal growth pattern shown in this sculpture is formed by calcite rich water that settles horizontally in sedimentary layers over many hundreds of thousands of years. Perhaps in a cave, with running water washing through or a lake. The colours change as the depth of the sediment grows over the passage of time. The stone grows around microscopic particles of calcite and gives this piece its particular soft, strong and tender nature.
Source: Persia
Venice location:
European Cultural Centre, Room 214, Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE

‘The Teacher’ 2023
Dimensions: H57 x W43 x D30cm
Age: Miocene, ca. 10 million years
Geology notes:
This is an extremely fine variety of gypsum, a salt formed by the evaporation of seawater. Gypsum concentrates in nodules as sea basins and lagoons dry out.
Source: Spain
Venice location:
European Cultural Centre, Room 214, Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE

‘Heart Hand Stone I’ 2023
Dimensions: H26 x W15 x D18cm
Speleothem Stone (formed in caves)
Age: during the last 2.6 million years.
Geology notes:
Small speleothems formed by the dripping of mineral rich water in a cave. In this piece new speleothems developed on remains of older ones.
Source: Italy
Venice location:
European Cultural Centre, Room 214, Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE

‘Pale Flame Torso’ 2018
Dimensions: 117 x 27 x 17cm
Onyx (calcite)
Age: during the last 2.6 million years
Geology notes:
The crystal growth pattern shown in this sculpture is formed by calcite rich water that settles horizontally in sedimentary layers over many hundreds of thousands of years. Perhaps in a cave, with running water washing through or a lake. The colours change as the depth of the sediment grows over the passage of time. The stone grows around microscopic particles of calcite and gives this piece its particular soft, strong and tender nature.
Source: Persia
Venice location:
European Cultural Centre, Room 214, Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE
Venue information
European Cultural Centre
Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia VE
20th April – 24 November
Open every day from 10.00 to 18.00
Tuesdays closed
Free entry
Nearest vaporetto: Ca’ D’Oro
Giardini della Marinaressa
Riva dei Sette Martiri 30122 Venezia VE
20th of April to 30th September, gardens are open every day from 07.00 to 20.30.
1st of October to the 24th November, gardens are open every day from 08.00 to 18.30.
Free entry
Nearest vaporetto:
Giardini ‘A’ and ‘B’